Steel Rotation Pile (SRP) is a steel pipe pile with helical blade which welded at the pile-tip, leading to ease installation, high bearing capacity, and large pulling resistance.
NS ECO-PILETM is one of the SRP, which was developed in Japan and the most applied SRP.
Shape (*)
Features (*)
Eco-friendly piling method
During construction, a machine rotates the pile, and the blade on the edge performs digging that drives the pile into the ground like a wood-screw. So, low noise, low vibration, no waste soil and no ground pollution occur.
High reliability and quality
Large bearing capacity and pulling resistance capacity, thanks to the helical blade.
High applicable to severe construction conditions
Small area, nearby existing structure, requirement for small foundations.
Standardization method
TCVN and design guideline was already published
- TCVN 11520:2016 Design Requirements
- TCVN 12111:2018 Construction and Acceptance
- Design Guideline and Design Examples
Benefits when using NS ECO-PILETM
- Low noise and vibration
- No surplus soil
- No effects on ground water
- Reduction of construction time and area
Specific project: Hoang Minh Giam flyover bridge in Ha Noi city used NS ECO-PILE TM
Pile: Outside diameter D600mm, maximum length 44.5m
(*) Citation: NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION “STEEL PIPE PILES” (K011en_01_201904p)